
  如果說有什麼是看上眼之後就很難不買的東西,我的list排名第一絕對會是鞋子。尤其是高跟鞋。因此,在yahoo首頁看到「鞋子所不能說的秘密!」這樣的文章標題,毫不猶豫的點進去~ 原來是藝人艾莉絲的部落格,內容頗為有趣,害我認真研究起自己穿鞋的姿勢了。


    What’s your shoe-style personality這是文中提到的心理測驗,也是立刻打開網頁玩起來,但是很丟臉的是,中間藉助了yahoo線上字典:P。結果如下:


You're a pointy-toe stiletto/slingback!

The latest fashion magazines are your monthly bible. You love shoes so much that you ran out of room in your closet for shoe boxes, so the oven now doubles as a storage unit. You're always looking sophisticated and polished, even when you have jeans on, and Gwyneth Paltrow and Sarah Jessica Parker are your idols. Every seasonal trend is right up your alley, and most trends work back to things that are already in your closet. Looking great was never so easy!






附註:其實不太喜歡莎拉阿姨,但她在sex & the city的那串長珍珠項鍊真是深得我心;派特羅小姐在鋼鐵人一片中花瓶無比,倒韻味十足。



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